For many workers, the workplace can be a challenging environment to thrive in, especially when managers or supervisors are not treating you fairly and respectfully. Discrimination in the workplace is common across many industries. There are many types of workplace discrimination lawsuits filed each year, from gender-based discrimination to racial discrimination. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, age discrimination, racial discrimination, and equal pay discrimination are some of the most common types of complaints reported. Spotting signs of discrimination can be difficult because they are not always obvious. You may not know it is happening to you until much later on. Knowing the signs can help you take action sooner so that you can stop the behavior.
Inappropriate Jokes or Comments
Imagine that you overhear a co-worker or manager say a disparaging comment about your culture during a meeting. This may be considered employment discrimination. These comments can cultivate a hostile work environment, causing the victim to experience further harm or humiliation. As an employment lawyer Chicago, IL like one at Disparti Law Group can explain, there are many examples of comments or forms of communication that could be grounds for a valid discrimination complaint. Discuss your experience with a lawyer to learn more.
Changes to Work Schedule
If you are working and are suddenly assigned reduced hours to changes to your schedule that make it difficult for you to accommodate, your employer may be discriminating against you. Any schedule changes or changes to your job duties that cause a significant inconvenience to you may fall under employment discrimination. This particular type of work discrimination can be hard to prove, so talk to a lawyer to see if you can file a claim. They will work to see if there is a pattern of discriminatory actions being committed against you.
Lack of Accommodations
Some instances of employment discrimination involves a lack of accommodations, such as for disabled workers. People with disabilities like hearing loss or physical injury are entitled to receive necessary accommodations, such as chairs, equipment, and training to successfully complete their work duties. If a company denies them to a disabled worker, they could be charged with a violation.
Inappropriate Questions
If you receive personal questions that are a violation of your privacy, it could count as employment discrimination. A common example are questions that involve your family. Women who are being interviewed for a promotion could be asked questions about whether or not they plan to raise a child. This type of question is not appropriate because the hiring manager could decide to deny a promotion to a woman who plans on having a baby.
Everyone deserves to be treated respectfully in the workplace. If you are not being treated fairly, you have a right to file a complaint so that your employer can be held accountable for their actions. Learn how you can receive compensation that you are entitled to by speaking with a trusted and highly experienced discrimination lawyer in your area.